de Photoprotection



Call us:

+33 473 40 5300

Opening hours:

Mon - Fri 8 AM - 6 PM

CNEP - Centre National d'Evaluation de Photoprotection

Your partner in photoaging
and polymer analyzes

Supporting companies in their polymer materials issues

Our offers and services

Durability and ageings

We are experts in researching the degradation of different materials and products under varying conditions such as sunlight (photoaging), heat (thermoaging) and humidity (hydrolysis)

Analysis and characterizations

Our laboratory uses rigorous testing and measurement methods to accurately analyze the chemical composition of polymer blends.

Failures and damages

Examination of the properties and structures of materials using various techniques, such as microscopes, spectrometers and chemical tests.

Expertises and checkings

CNEP is an experienced scientific consultant advising insurance companies and legal institutions.

Standards and specifications

Our laboratory participates in the creation of rigorous standards for formulated Polymer Materials and their uses.

Advices and trainings

The CNEP and its partner laboratories organize knowledge sharing days for companies concerned about the sustainability of polymer materials.

The CNEP in a few figures


years of research


studies by years


worldwide customers


studied cases

Construction and public works


Electricity and telecoms

Sports and leisures





Works of art

Our main areas of activity

More than 500 studies and research projects per year

They trust us

The entities that use our services vary, from multinational companies to specialist consultancies, research and development laboratories, project developers and skilled craftsmen. Here are some examples:

News and informations

Know more about us?


RENAULT ME D153200 A & B


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Centre National d'Evaluation de Photoprotection

Celui-ci va s'afficher automatiquement


Do not hesitate to contact us

We will answer as soon as possible

Summer break

The CNEP will be in very reduced activity from August 10 to 15, 2020, contact us preferably after this period.
Thank you

La certification ISO 9001 - 2015

L'ISO 9001:2015 spécifie les exigences relatives au système de management de la qualité lorsqu'un organisme:

a) doit démontrer son aptitude à fournir constamment des produits et des services conformes aux exigences des clients et aux exigences légales et réglementaires applicables, et

b) vise à accroître la satisfaction de ses clients par l'application efficace du système, y compris les processus pour l'amélioration du système et l'assurance de la conformité aux exigences des clients et aux exigences légales et réglementaires applicables.

Toutes les exigences de l'ISO 9001:2015 sont génériques et prévues pour s'appliquer à tout organisme, quels que soient son type ou sa taille, ou les produits et services qu'il fournit.

Obtenir la certification ISO 9001:2015, c’est s’appuyer sur 8 principes de management :
• l’orientation client ;
• l’implication du personnel ;
• l’approche processus ;
• l’amélioration continue ;
• la gestion par approche système ;
• le leadership ;
• la prise de décision fondée sur des preuves ;
• le management des relations avec les parties intéressées.