de Photoprotection



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+33 473 40 5300

Opening hours:

Mon - Fri 8 AM - 6 PM

CNEP - Centre National d'Evaluation de Photoprotection

Your partner in photoaging
and polymer analyzes

Supporting companies in their polymer materials issues

The Fourier transform in infrared spectroscopy

The Fourier transform is a fundamental mathematical technique used in the field of signal analysis.
It makes it possible to decompose a complex signal into a series of sinusoidal components, thus revealing the different frequencies that make it up.

This theory finds significant application in infrared spectrophotometry.

In infrared spectroscopy, the Fourier transform is used to convert a time signal into a frequency spectrum. Concretely, it is used in the technique of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), a powerful method for analyzing the chemical composition of samples.

When an infrared beam passes through a sample, certain wavelengths are absorbed by specific chemical bonds present in the substance. The detector then measures the intensity of the transmitted light at different wavelengths. The resulting signal is a complex temporal recording.

This is where the Fourier transform comes in. By applying this transformation, the signal in the time domain is converted into a spectrum in the frequency domain. This makes it possible to precisely identify the characteristic absorption frequencies of each chemical bond present in the sample.

The advantages of Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry are numerous. First, it offers high spectral resolution, enabling the precise detection of functional groups. Additionally, this method is fast and provides results in real time. It is also non-destructive, meaning that the samples analyzed are not altered during the process.

In summary, the Fourier transform, applied to infrared spectrophotometry, provides a powerful approach for chemical analysis. It allows precise characterization of the components of a sample.

Since its creation, the CNEP has used infra-red spectrophotometers with Fourier Transform in order to guarantee the precision and quality of our spectral analyses.

Do not hesitate to contact us

We will answer as soon as possible

Summer break

The CNEP will be in very reduced activity from August 10 to 15, 2020, contact us preferably after this period.
Thank you

La certification ISO 9001 - 2015

L'ISO 9001:2015 spécifie les exigences relatives au système de management de la qualité lorsqu'un organisme:

a) doit démontrer son aptitude à fournir constamment des produits et des services conformes aux exigences des clients et aux exigences légales et réglementaires applicables, et

b) vise à accroître la satisfaction de ses clients par l'application efficace du système, y compris les processus pour l'amélioration du système et l'assurance de la conformité aux exigences des clients et aux exigences légales et réglementaires applicables.

Toutes les exigences de l'ISO 9001:2015 sont génériques et prévues pour s'appliquer à tout organisme, quels que soient son type ou sa taille, ou les produits et services qu'il fournit.

Obtenir la certification ISO 9001:2015, c’est s’appuyer sur 8 principes de management :
• l’orientation client ;
• l’implication du personnel ;
• l’approche processus ;
• l’amélioration continue ;
• la gestion par approche système ;
• le leadership ;
• la prise de décision fondée sur des preuves ;
• le management des relations avec les parties intéressées.