

Centre National d'Evaluation de Photoprotection


CNEP Expertise serving the conservation of Works of Art

The National Center for Photoprotection Evaluation (CNEP) is renowned for its exceptional expertise in the field of art conservation. Our unique skills in the analysis of pigments, binders, and multilayers make us an essential partner for museum conservators, restorers, and cultural heritage experts. Discover how CNEP contributes to the preservation of our artistic heritage through cutting-edge scientific expertise.

Pigment Analysis: Unveiling the Secrets of Artworks

The pigments used in artworks are essential for understanding their history, technique, and state of conservation. Thanks to our advanced technologies, we can precisely analyze the chemical composition of pigments, whether they are of mineral, plant, or synthetic origin. Our analyses trace the origin of materials, verify their authenticity, and identify any alterations caused by environmental factors or previous restorations. The results of our analyses provide crucial information for conservators, allowing for more precise and respectful interventions on artworks, while ensuring their long-term integrity.

Binder Study: Understanding the Material at the Heart of Artworks

Binders play a central role in the stability and appearance of artworks. They influence not only the texture and gloss of colors but also the durability of pigments over time. CNEP excels in binder analysis, whether it involves oils, gums, waxes, or natural and synthetic resins. Our physicochemical analysis methods identify the exact composition of binders and their state of degradation, providing appropriate solutions for their conservation. This expertise is particularly valuable for restorers seeking to maintain the original appearance of artworks while protecting them against degradation factors.

Multilayers: A Comprehensive Approach for Optimal Conservation

Artworks, especially paintings, are often composed of multiple layers of superimposed materials. Understanding the structure of these multilayers is essential for effective and respectful restoration. At CNEP, we master the detailed analysis of successive layers of paint, varnish, and undercoats using advanced techniques such as infrared spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and chromatography. This approach allows us to reveal the artistic techniques used, identify previous interventions, and assess future degradation risks. By providing a comprehensive image of the artwork’s composition, we help conservators make informed decisions to preserve these artistic treasures.

Invaluable Support for Conservators and Art Experts Since Its Inception

CNEP goes beyond providing scientific analyses; we are also committed to actively supporting museum conservators, restorers, and heritage experts in their daily missions. Our detailed reports and ability to interpret complex data are valuable tools for guiding conservation and restoration strategies. Whether you are dealing with an artwork requiring a quick assessment or a long-term conservation project, CNEP is your ideal partner in ensuring the preservation and enhancement of your artistic heritage.

Why Choose CNEP for Art Conservation?

  1. Advanced Scientific Expertise: Precise analyses for an in-depth understanding of artistic materials.
  2. Cutting-edge Technologies: State-of-the-art laboratory equipment for reliable and detailed results.
  3. Personalized Support: Tailored assistance for conservators and art experts.
  4. Commitment to Heritage: A passion for preserving art and history through a rigorous scientific approach.

Do not hesitate to contact us

We will answer as soon as possible

Summer break

The CNEP will be in very reduced activity from August 10 to 15, 2020, contact us preferably after this period.
Thank you

La certification ISO 9001 - 2015

L'ISO 9001:2015 spécifie les exigences relatives au système de management de la qualité lorsqu'un organisme:

a) doit démontrer son aptitude à fournir constamment des produits et des services conformes aux exigences des clients et aux exigences légales et réglementaires applicables, et

b) vise à accroître la satisfaction de ses clients par l'application efficace du système, y compris les processus pour l'amélioration du système et l'assurance de la conformité aux exigences des clients et aux exigences légales et réglementaires applicables.

Toutes les exigences de l'ISO 9001:2015 sont génériques et prévues pour s'appliquer à tout organisme, quels que soient son type ou sa taille, ou les produits et services qu'il fournit.

Obtenir la certification ISO 9001:2015, c’est s’appuyer sur 8 principes de management :
• l’orientation client ;
• l’implication du personnel ;
• l’approche processus ;
• l’amélioration continue ;
• la gestion par approche système ;
• le leadership ;
• la prise de décision fondée sur des preuves ;
• le management des relations avec les parties intéressées.